Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Animals and plants are sensitive to the changes in temperature. Changes in temperature may bring a positive or negative affect on the life of plants and animals. Temperature affects plants and animals in various ways, which are as follows:

A) Effects on Metabolism: All metabolic processes are affected by temperature. Since temperature regulates the activity of enzymes, all chemical reactions in the body of organisms are controlled by temperature. It affects the rates of transportation, photosynthesis in plants and respiration rates and other metabolic processes in plants as well as animals.

B) Effects on Reproduction: Flowering in plants is affected by temperature through thermoperiodism. In animals, the maturation of gonads or sex cells and the liberation of gametes take place at a particular temperature, which varies from species to species. Breeding in some animals remains unaffected by temperature throughout the year, whereas in some animals breading occurs only in summer or in winter.

C) Effect on Growth and Development: Both extremely low and high temperature brings about such cold injuries as desiccation, chilling injury and freezing injury. Extremely high temperature causes stunting and final death of plants, which is due to adverse effects on a number of physiological processes like respiration, transpiration, protein metabolism, etc. This is called heat injury. In animal also temperature affects growth as well as development. For example in the Oyster, the length of the body increase from 1.5 mm to 10.3 mm with an increase in temperature from 10'C to 20'C. Sea Urchin shows maximum size of body in warmer water, etc.

D) Effect on Crossing Over: In animals like Drospohila species, temperature is shown to affect the crossing over and somatic expression of gene characters. Development of wings, eyes, is affected low or high temperature;wings tend to be longer at high and shorter at low temperature.

E) Effects on sex Ratio: In some animals like rotifers and daphnids, sex ratio is affected by temperature. Under normal condition Daphnids give parthenogenetic eggs that develop into females, whereas with increase in temperature, they give sexual eggs which after fertilization develop either into males or females.

F) Effects on Coloration: Some insects, birds and mammals in warm humid climates bear darker pigment than the races of same species present in cool and dry climates.

G) Effect on Morphology: The temperature also affects the absolute size of an animals and the relative proportions of various body parts. Birds and mammals attain greater body size in cold regions than in warm areas. But poikilotherms are smaller in cold region. The tail, snout, ears and legs of mammals are relatively shorter in colder parts than in the warm areas.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Light and heat are abiotic factors which affect on such basic physiological processes of plants as photosynthesis, transpiration, seed germination, flowering etc, and thus is of much concern in environment. Where they play important role in the species compositions and development of vegetation being influenced by some such factors as atmospheric gases, suspended particles, water layers, vegetation and such topographic factors as direction and slope of the land surfaces which cause marked variations in intensity and daily duration of insulation. Radiation from the sun produces a direct heating effect and photo chemical transformation in the individual producing heat energy, with few exceptions, light is essential for all plants and animals. It also maintains temperature in soil, water and atmosphere. Directly or indirectly, light affects plant life in the following processes
1. Chlorophyll Production :  Except few plants like ferns, mosses and algae, most of the plants need light for chlorophyll formation. Without light plants cannot produce chlorophyll. If there is no chlorophyll it means plant cannot produce food. It means there is no food chain. So the plants and all animals totally depend on light for food.

2. Heating Actions : Exposure of parts of the plants to light increase to their temperature, affect their related life process.

3. Effect on Transpiration Rate: Sun light affects transpiration rate through increase in temperature. Transpiration rates correspondingly affect water absorption also. Thus high light intensities are always related with dry habitats and high transpiration rates.

4. Stomatal  Movement : Opening and closing of stomata is regulated by sun light which is related to transpiration and absorption of plants.

5. Distribution of Plants: Light intensity affect the distribution of plants. Light conditions of poles are different from other parts of earth. Thus, total amount of radiation received by the earth's surface differs with distance from the equator. This may be one of the reasons for the difference in the vegetation at poles and at other parts of the earth.

6. Overall Vegetative Development of Plant Parts: Sometimes plants are classified as Helophytes and Sciopthytes. Helophytes are that types of plants which grow best in full sunlight and Sciophytes are that types of plants which grow best at lower light intensities.

7. Photoperiodism :  Total length of the daily light period to which plants are exposed is known as photoperiodism. It affects on the vegetative growth as well as flowering og the plants. On the basis of their photo period, the plants may be short-day plants, that develop normally only when the photo period is less than a critical maximum; and long-day plants, those demanding a photo period in excess of certain critical minimum. Light has far-reaching effects on animals also. It affects their several types of physiological activities like pigmentation, reproduction, development, growth, locomotion, migration, etc which are mentioned below:

A) Metabolism : Light affects metabolic process of animals through its heating effects on tissues and protoplasm. This all results into an increase in the enzymatic activities, general metabolic rate and degree of solubility of salts and minerals. Animal receiving poor light in caves thus shows low rate of metabolism. Light also affects photo-oxidation and respiration rates.

B) Reproduction : In animals, light initiates the breeding activities. In some birds gonads become active with increased light intensity during summer. Thus, animals are long-day, short-day and indifferent to day length.

C) Development : Some animals undergo development only under sufficient-light intensity, in the absence of light they cannot develop. But mystiques larvae in their earlier stages grow larger in darkness than in light.

D) Eyes :  The degree of eye development sometimes depends upon the available light intensities. The eyes of the animals, which liven in caves and deep sea levels, are absent or rudimentary.

E) Vision :  Higher animals including man are able to see various objects only in the presence of one or other from of light.

F) Pigmentation : Most of the chemical changes that result into the formation of pigments are initiated by light energy. The process of pigmentation in animals is thus influenced by light in a number of ways as in the development of skin color or in protective coloration.

G) Locomotion :   The speed of locomotion on some lower animals is regulated by light. This phenomenon is known as photo kinesis .

H) Photo periodism : Animals are known to respond to the length of the day through the effect of total light period on such processes as gonad activities, reproduction, metamorphosis, migration, etc.


Generally , there are two types of environment i.e. Natural Environment and Man-Made Environment; which are described as below:

1. Natural Environment

That kind of the environment which is created by the nature or it is known as the god-gifted environment. The natural environment consists of air, water, soil, forest, wildlife, etc. The elements of the elements of the natural environment can be broadly classified into physical or abiotic factors and biological or biotic factors.

A. Physical or abiotic factors 

Physical or abiotic factors of an environment are such climatic factors as solar radiation, temperature, wind, water, ocean current, rainfall and such physical as light, fire, pressure, geomagnetism and such chemical factors as acidity, salinity and the availability of inorganic nutrients needed by plants. The most important physical factors are the climatic, physio-graphic and edaphic factors. Some of the elements of these factors are as follow:-

Climatic or Aerial Factors 
a) Light and heat
b) Temperature of air
c) Rainfall
d) Atmospheric gases and wind
e) Humidity of air

Topographic or Physio-graphic Factors 
 a) Formation of soil
 b) Physical structure
 c) Chemical properties  
 d) Substrata of soil

The interaction of all these factors affects the natural environment and the life of all living beings. Under the natural conditions, an organism is affected not only by one individual factor but by all the environmental factors. The life of living beings thus involves the simultaneous and continuing impact of all existing environmental factors. All these factors are inter-related and variation in one may affect the other. For example, an increase in temperature may bring a change in humidity in addition to the rate of photosynthesis.


The team environment means the conditions or objects by which one is surrounded. But in the context of the living being, It means much more. In our daily life, we can see that every organism live in the midst of various living and non-living objects, happening and influences, natural as well as artificial things the sum total of these all condition is known as environment. Environment can be defined as all external conditions or influences under which an organism lives. Survival re production growth metabolism, mobility and development of an organism, determine by environment.

Environment is all of the external factors affecting an organism. These factors may be living organism or non living things, such as temperature, rainfall, day length, wind, water, soil, ocean currents etc.  The interactions of organism with biotic and antibiotic factors from an ecosystem. Thus, there is an intimate relationship between different kinds of organism and environment. 
Healthy and Balanced environment is essential for all living beings. An organism can't survive without an environment. Human beings are no exception to it further they are more than just biological beings. And are in constant quest of comfort and safety than any other organisms. 
Human being, therefore, develop a new kind of environment which is known as manmade. But this manmade environment also ultimately depends upon and draws from the natural environment.  
Thus environment is the sum totals all physical, biological and social conditions and their influences on the development cycle of biotic elements. We cannot define environment exactly. It is interaction with different conditions and situations. Environment is the total condition of the physical surrounding as well as socio-cultural conditions. Environment is the natural surroundings, layers of air, forest and water around the specific area or the whole world.
“The total setting in which a given object rests or a given action takes place, including all physical, chemical, biological, and psychological factors. The terms can be modified and restricted by specifying the objects on the action Thus, the work environment immediately surrounding a job to be done including not only the walls of the room or the lack of them but lighting, temperature, humidity and noise level interaction with colleagues and other persons, air quality presence or absence of superior and so forth. The environment of a logging operation would include not only the trees to be cut the soil beneath them the air above them all other vegetation on the site all affected wildlife any recreational sites within earshot or line of sight and so forth.
In totally, environment is a system or a process which gives the shelter, food, life to all the living beings and they are totally dependent on natural environment for the existence of life. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Garlic is one of the most popular natural foods nowadays, and it is an essential part in most of the cuisines in the world. Despite its unique flavor, garlic is incredibly effective in treating various health conditions, especially if consumed raw.

Garlic is believed to be able to prevent and treat almost all diseases. It effectively prevents atherosclerosis, heart attacks, coronary heart disease, and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

It also heals minor ailments like bug bites, common cold, flu, hay fever, fungal infections, and traveler’s diarrhea. Garlic efficiently controls the symptoms of diabetes, enlarged prostate, and osteoarthritis. Furthermore, its ability to eliminate toxins and strengthen the immunity is one of its most important properties.

In combination with ginger and onion, garlic detoxifies the body after chemotherapy.

For best results, use garlic in its raw form, since heat decentralizes allicin, its active ingredient. You should simply crush and chop the cloves, leave them for 15 minutes and then add it to your food.

Moreover, note that you actually improve its bioavailability if you crash it. Also, a full stomach cannot absorb all its nutrients, so it is best to consume it on an empty stomach, before drinking or eating anything.

In order to strengthen your immunity and raise your health to an optimal level, you should regularly consume the mixture of honey and garlic. This is how to prepare it:

Honey and raw garlic

Take 2-3 garlic cloves, chop them finely, and add a tablespoon of honey.

Take it every day and you will boost your energy levels to an extremely high extent!

Furthermore, the following garlic flu tonic will efficiently boost your immunity and prevent and soothe a sore throat and treat flu and cold symptoms. It is very potent and strong natural remedy. This is how to prepare it:

Garlic flu tonic-recipe


5 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
1 tablespoon ginger, chopped
Raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar
1 lemon, juiced
2 red chili peppers, coarsely chopped

If you have a sensitive skin, make sure you use gloves for the preparation of this tonic, as the natural oils of the ingredients may lead to burns or rashes.

Next, you should get a 350-500ml Mason jar, and add the chopped onion in one layer, then the chopped garlic in another, and then the hot peppers, with the seeds. Next, add the ginger, pour the lemon juice into the jar, and the organic apple cider vinegar in the end.

Seal the jar tightly, but note that you should leave 1cm of free space from the rim. Then, keep the jar in the pantry. Consume it regularly to prevent ailments, or until your symptoms completely disappear.

Source: myilifestyle.com

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The popular doctor and surgeon, Vladimir Petrovich Filatov, advised his patients in the eye clinic in the 60s to try his alternative medicine along with their medical treatment, in order to improve their vision and prevent further complications.
He recommended a beneficial vitamin bomb recipe which became a hit as soon as he revealed it since numerous patients tried it and were thrilled by its effects!
This is how to prepare it:
Vitamin Bomb- Recipe
300 grams of honey
500 grams of crushed walnuts
Squeezed juice of 3-4 lemons
100 grams of Aloe Vera juice (aloe arborescent)
Method of preparation:
Initially, you need to make the aloe Vera juice. Therefore, you should get rid of the upper, middle and lower leaves of the plant.
Then, wash the rest of it, the ¾ leaves and its top with cooled boiled water in order to remove the spikes. Then, chop it into small pieces, and strain the juice with double gauze.
According to Dr. Filatov, you should not chop the leaves immediately, but leave them on a plate in the fridge for 10-12 days.
In this way, the aloe Vera will form the biogen stimulators which are responsible for the cells’ activity. Afterward, wash the leaves and prepare the aloe Vera juice.
Then just mix it with all the other ingredients, and your natural remedy is ready for use. Consume a tablespoon of it 3 times daily, 30 minutes before meals.
Follow this procedure until your eyesight is completely improved.
Furthermore, this vitamin bomb is excellent for the overall health.
Note: Note that the use of aloe juice is not advised in the case of acute kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract issue, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis,  inflammation in the female reproductive organs, in the last trimester of the pregnancy, and cardiovascular problems in a decompensation phase. Moreover, the aloe Vera should not be older than a few years.

Source/Reference: www.healthandlovepage.com
Other included sources linked in Health And Love Page’s article: keepyourbody.com -- Original Article Source