Factors responsible for non communicable disease
In 2002,
WHO has listed top ten risk factors of death. Among ten risk factors six are
related to non-communicable diseases. Various factors which are related and
responsible for non-communicable disease are divided in to two groups:
modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors.
I) Modifiable Risk Factors: Most of the risk factors of
non-communicable diseases are directly related to our life style and they are
modifiable also. The modifiable risk factors of non-communicable diseases are
listed bellow:
. Unhealthy diet.
. Use of tobacco
and alcohol.
. lack of
physical exercise, activities and rest.
. over
. mental tension
and high blood pressure.
II) Non Modifiable Risk Factors: Heredity, age, sex, body
structures, etc., are non modifiable risk factors of non-communicable diseases.
The disease like diabetes and asthma are also known as genetic diseases. Those
diseases have high chance to transfer to their offspring. Breast cancer, colon
cancer, diabetes, etc., are most common in the people who are physically
inactive. The vigorous exercise or participation in physical activity is
essential to the people about 30-40 minutes each day for healthy life. There is
more possibility of getting high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, etc.,
due to over weight and obesity. Obesity is caused by lack of physical activity.
a) Cancer:
Cancer is the name used for a group of disease that have common characteristics
of abnormal growth of cells. “Malignant neoplasm|” and “malignant tumors” are
other terms used to indicate this abnormal harmful growth of cell. Normal cells
reproduce in a methodical manner in accordance to genetic coding, whereas
cancerous growth is uncontrolled and it spreads throughout the body, destroying
or replacing normal cells.
Cancer cells have a unique
ability to grow and spread outside the organ where they originate. The cell may
be carried in the blood or lymphatic channels to other parts of the body where
they attack healthy tissues and cause malfunction. Cancer cells differ from
normal cells. Diagnosis of cancer is based upon identification of abnormal
cells by microscopic examination of suspected tissues. A biopsy involves
obtaining a sample of the abnormal tissues by surgical means. Any part of the
body can be infected by cancer. More than 100 varieties of cancer have been
found till now. It is one of the main reasons of human death all over the
world. The more common sites of cancer are the lungs, breast, uterus, urinary
bladder, larynx, stomach and liver.
Because of cancer about 76lakhs
people die every year in the world. It is estimated that there will be 114 lakh
death cancer by 2030 AD. 70% of death are found in developing country among the
death by cancer.
Causes of cancer: Unfortunately,
the exact cause of cancer is not known yet. But there are numerous contributing
or predisposing factors that may influence the onset of a cancer. The following
are the possible causes of cancer:
1) Physical
Factor: radium, x-ray, ultraviolet ray, etc.
2) Chemical
Factors: tobacco and tobacco products, alcohol, colours, etc.
3) Bilogical Factors: Virus, bacteria, heredity, hepatitis
B, cause lives cancer. Human papiloma virus causes cancers of cervix.
Helocobactor pylori causes stomach (gartric) cancer, etc.
Warning Signs of Cancer:
. lump or hard area in
the breast (note: all the tumors are not cancer tumor, out of 8 tumors in the
breast one may be the cancer tumor).
. A change in the wart or
. A persistent change in
digestive and bowel habits.
. A persistent cough or
. Excessive loss of blood
at the monthly period or loss of blood outside the usual dates.
. Blood loss from any
natural orifice (nose, hole, anal hole).
. A swelling or sore that
does not get better.
. Unexplained loss of
Prevention and control: Most cancers are curable, if they are
identified early. Early detection is the best line of defense or prevention
against cancer. Furthermore, the following guideline is given as preventive
. Avoid the use of
tobacco and other products containing tobacco.
. Avoid excessive
exposure of your body part to the sunlight.
. Support the efforts to
reduce air pollution and undue use of pesticides.
. Follow the healthy
food practice or habits which helps to control the 40% cancer.
. Support the cancer
education awareness campaigns.
. Compulsory breast
feeding and treating any kind of wound timlely.
. About 20% of cancer are
found occurring due to long term infections like hepatitis B, genital wart etc.
Therefore, the prevention of such infection is essential.