Friday, June 3, 2016

Human Diseases

A normal person is usually healthy. It is the result of living in accordance with natural laws pertaining to the body, mind and environment. Body of every living organism is healthy in itself, but when invaded by certain external elements or germs the body suffers from certain abnormal conditions. This abnormal condition is called a disease. The disease disturbs the normal functioning of various organs of the body.
Diseases are caused by germs. When the germs enter the body, they multiply their number and attack on the resistance power of the body; they multiply their number and attack on the resistance power of the body, which shows the detectable reaction. Thus disease is a detectable reaction of an individual, to a parasite in a particular environment. In fact, the disease is the result of ‘mal-adjustment’ of the human organism to the environment. But if the body continues to get proper fresh air, balanced and nutritive diet, appropriate rest, sunshine and light, and the atmosphere in which the person lives is free from the germs of infectious diseases, then it is not possible for him to fall a prey to any disease. Besides this, the rest, relaxation, internal and external cleanliness, right attitude, and proper exercise help the body to function smoothly, which leads to longevity. Health and disease are parts of the natural process, where proper care and timely treatment is necessary for a state of good health, whereas carelessness leads to disorder of the body and at last to death.

                                                     Types of diseases
 There are various types of diseases, but all of them can be classified mainly under two groups. They are:
Communicable disease
                            A disease caused by specific pathogenic germs and transferred in a great variety of ways is known as a communicable disease. It is transmitted from an infected person or animal, directly or indirectly, through the agencies (water, air, personal contact, food) of an intermediate host or the inanimate environment. In fact, a disease that tends to spread among different individuals in a
Community is known as a communicable disease. Some examples of communicable diseases are
cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis, common cold and tetanus.
Non-communicable disease
                             The disease which is not transmitted from one person to another through any media is called a non-communicable disease. The cause of this disease is bad health habit, malnutrition, and
ageing. In some cases, heredity may be observed as a cause of the disease. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and gall-stone are some examples of non-communicable diseases.
Prevention of diseases
                              Prevention is better than cure. We may safeguard our life from various diseases by
the adoption of preventive means. Timely attention, care, and respect of healthy rules help in living a healthy life whereas unhealthy habits and carelessness may create various hazards, and my lead to
various diseases. Thus, to keep the family and society healthy one has to think regarding the mode of prevention.
                                      Prevention of communicable diseases
                                Communicable diseases result from the interaction of an agent, host, and environment. so, the preventive measures of the communicable diseases are as follows:
a) Use of safe drinks: some of the communicable diseases, like cholera, dysentery and typhoid are transmitted through the use of contaminated water and drink. Hence, the use of clean and germ-free water is thought to be done of the preventive measures against communicable diseases.
b) Safe and balanced food: communicable diseases may spread through the unbalanced, and contaminated food. So, we should be careful while selecting, purchasing, preparing and handling food. we must select the balanced food according to the work and need of the body, which will provide proper nutrition and energy for the maintenance of good health.
c) Cleanliness: cleanliness and sanitation is a way of life. It is a quality of humans that is expressed in a
clean home, clean farm,clean neighbourhood and a clean community. Cleanliness and sanitation are the
means which control all those things in the surroundings which would harm one’s health and longevity.
among  the various preventive measures, the most effective, quickest and the cheapest means is the cleanliness and sanitation.
d) Immunization: immunization is a means of protection against the results of infectious diseases within the human body. It is a widely accepted level of protection against a large number of communicable diseases. The proper and timely immunization saves the individuals from the unforseen health hazards. Diseases like polio, tuberculosis, tetanus, whoopin cough can be prevented by immunizing children at an early age.
                                        Prevention of non communicable diseases
                                    When the diseases are not transmitted through one person or animal to another person, it is known as non-communicable diseases. Non-communicable diseases have their own causes, such as heredity, lack of balanced diet, over or under secretion of hormones and environment. Non-communicable diseases are more dangerous than communicable diseases. therefore, everyone should be conscious about the prevention of such diseases. some os the major preventive measures of non- communicable diseases are:
. Good and healthy habits.
. Personal and environmental sanitation.
. Proper rest and sleep.
. Proper and regular exercise.
. Regular elimination of body waste.
. Periodical medical check-up.
. Use of tobacco and tobacco products, alcohol, and narcotic drug should be avoided.
. Provision of safe drinking water.
. Cheerful and happy life, free from tention.

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