Saturday, July 2, 2016


An individual suffering from a reduction in the production of insulin is said to have diabetes. It is a condition in which the body is not able to process ingested sugar properly and the percentage of sugar is high in the blood. In other words, diabetes is caused by the defective production or action of insulin. Diabetes is a long-term disease with various clinical manifestations and progressions. But with a programme of balanced diet and medication, the diabetic can lead a healthy and normal life.
  According to WHO more than 180 million people have diabetes all over the world. This will be doubled by 2030 AD. About 80% among them are living in poor and developing countries like ours.
     The retina of eyes gets damaged and gradually it leads to blindness. After 15 years of diabetes, about 2% of people become blind and 10% will have vision problems. The peripheral nerves are also adversely affected among the 50% of diabetics. About 20% of diabetes patients have kidney problem, too, and may die of kidney failure. There is high risk of heart stroke. About 50% of people with diabetes die due to heart diseases and stroke,
      There are two popular ways for diabetes screening: Urine test for glucose (two hours after meal) and blood sugar testing. The following groups of people are categorized as “High Risk” groups for diabetes.
.      Those in the age group of 40 and over
.      Those with the family history of diabetes
.      The obesity
.       Women who have had a baby weighting more than 4.5 Kg
.       Women who show excess weight gain during pregnancy
.       Patients with premature atherosclerosis

.       Defects in the pancreas: Pancreas is a gland which produces insulin in the body. The malfunction of pancreas or the disturbance in the pancreas results in lack of insulin in the blood, which leads to diabetes of type II. Also, insensitivity of target cells of insulin in spite of its adequate production leads to diabetes of type I. Type I diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes. Type II diabetes or non insulin dependent diabetes.
.        Obesity: Excessive of nutritious food and lack of exercise lead to obesity. The more you exercise, the more insulin in the pancreas produce and mobilizes, whereas the less you exercise there is more storage of insulin in the body and more chances of having diabetes.
.        Genetic factors: The genetic nature of diabetes is undisputed. The probability of diabetes is high among those whose parents have had diabetes.

Signs and Symptoms
The sign and symptoms of diabetes are as follows:
.         Frequent urination, presence of sugar in the urine and the color of urine is   crystal and smells nice
.        The diabetic neuropathy, tingling, pain and numbness.
.        The tongue looks dry and red.
.        Dry skin and itching.
.        Wound and cut take long time to heal
.        Hungry and thirsty feeling and body become weak.
.        Loss of vision due to damage of retina which may also lead to blindness.
.         Blood sugar increases more than 120 mg/100 cc.

Prevention and Care
The prevention and care of diabetes are as follows:
.        Avoid excess intake carbohydrate, glucose, oily and salty food or take balance diet.
.        Have regular exercise at least 30-40 minutes in a day and maintain a balanced weight.
.        Maintain healthy relationship with the family members.
.        Have regular health check-up.
.        Avoid mental tension and prohibits the use of tobacco and alcohol.
.        Hold a card of diabetes patient.


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