Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Harmful Goods and Healthy Lifestyle

Foodstuff in the market may have less weigh in the packet and they may be of low quality. Sometimes, there may be adulteration in the food available in the market. The adulterated food may not have adequate nutrition. Some of the things may be harmful to our body

Harmful Stuffs of Daily Use
Several industrialists produce stuffs and traders supply them to different markets in villages and towns. We use all these to fulfil our needs. Some of these stuffs may be pure but some may be harmful. Drugs for drug abuse, tobacco related stuffs and alcohol are harmful. We have taboos and misconception related to food in our society. As a result, people prepare harmful stuffs.
People wish to have new taste style of using attractive and colourful foodstuffs. Children use harmful foodstuffs as they don’t get proper guidance from the parents. Consumers are cheated from black marketing, production and distribution of food with less weight, low quality and adulteration.

The following are the causes of harmful or low quality food:
a)     To mix one type of foodstuffs with another type of foodstuff.
b)     To use different chemicals in foodstuffs and drinks
c)     To use food even after expiry date.
d)    To minimize cost by preparing food with low nutrition in it
e)     To prepare food for taste just by roasting it
f)     To use colour to make foodstuffs attractive
g)    To pack food and drinks in plastic and cans

There must be guarantee of having quality in all the foodstuffs and goods of daily use like mobile, utensils, rope, cement, iron rods, bags, radio, belts, clothes, etc. we use several stuffs like gel, oil, shampoo, hair spray, hair colour, polish, balsam to make our hair, nail and body attractive. Such low quality gods may cause side effects like fall of hairs, skin disease, wrinkles on skin, crooked body. It may spoil beauty of your body. There may be some problem in other organs.

Precautionary Measures in the Use of Harmful stuffs
There is unemployment problem in the country. As a result, there is poverty. Poor consumers are attracted to cheaper stuffs a there is demand for low-priced stuffs and low quality stuffs. There is more production of harmful low quality stuffs. The government implemented has consumer’s protection Act to discourage production and distribution of such low quality stuff. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce poverty and unemployment in order to make such law effective. The following precautions have to be adopted to minimize the use of harmful stuffs:
.      Public awareness has to be brought about through consumer’s education.
.      Produced stuffs have to be taken to the market after laboratory examination.
.      Inspection and monitoring of go down of traders have to be made effective.
.      Industrialists and traders in producing and distributing harmful stuffs have to be
       punished by law strictly.
.      If anyone knows the sale and distribution of harmful stuffs in the locality, he/she
       must inform the government immediately for necessary action.
.      During landslides, floods, fire, wars, natural disaster there are chances of sale and
       distribution of harmful stuffs. Therefore, we have to be aware about it.
.       We have to make local agencies responsible to implement strict law against
        Production and sale of harmful stuff compulsorily.
.       Permits must be implemented for production, sale, storage and distribution of
        Consumers stuff.
.       The community must be informal of the information about food adulteration
         Through social organization, non-government organizations, voluntary

Healthy Lifestyle Plan
The state of being physically and mentally healthy is considered healthy lifestyle. If an individual and a family are healthy, the whole society becomes healthy. The guardian has to play a vital role in making children’s lifestyle healthy. All the members have to be conscious in making the family healthy. Guardians and all the members of the family have to play an important role in making the family lifestyle healthy.


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